As a pioneer in providing cutting-edge solutions, Nobel Systems has released an Internet of Things (IoT) based real-time pressure monitoring system that can be used across a water utility’s Distribution or Transmission Network.
The purpose of this system is to continuously monitor pressure (every 3 seconds) throughout strategic points on the distribution network, especially in areas where electric power is not available.
The data is transmitted to Nobel’s GeoViewer through a Verizon or AT&T LTE Cat M1 network. The choice of carrier depends on the cellular signal. If a leak occurs, the pressure drops and alerts the system operator through a push notification. This solution will revolutionize monitoring and fixing leaks faster, leading to reduced NRW and also increase the data validity scores in the AWWA water loss program.
This unique system is one of the first of its kind to be used in the United States.
Using GeoViewer, the water utility can view pressures at a glance throughout its network. This system works on a solar-powered battery system, and no external power is needed. This unique system is one of the first of its kind to be used in the United States.
At the heart of this system is a triple bearer MicroPython enabled microcontroller – a perfect enterprise-grade IoT platform for connected Things.
With the latest micro chipset, the system offers a perfect combination of power, friendliness, and flexibility. This allowed us to create and connect things everywhere and fast. It is powered by a small and lightweight battery optimized for solar charging and a built-in “Always On” feature for IoT, which means that the output of the battery or power bank does not shut off after a set amount of time. It always stays on.
[bctt tweet=”Using GeoViewer, a water utility can view pressures at a glance throughout its network. This system works on a solar-powered battery system, and no external power is needed.” username=”NobelSystems”]
This battery is charged by a solar panel. The pressure sensor uses a high accuracy silicon strain gauge molecularly bonded to the stainless steel diaphragm. The accuracy is within 0.25%.
The images below show the system installed at the PR Station of our customer, the Rainbow Municipal Water District. The second and third images show the location of the station together with the pressure output on GeoViewer Online.
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